After a 10 mile mountain bike ride this morning, my afternoon consisted of napping in a hammock, reading, and some website work. During all this, there were multiple cat snuggles, some wanted, some not. The one with stripes sleeps peacefully on the back of a chaise, purring when you pet him. The fluffy fat one follows me around wanting food but not attention. He gets lots of attention instead.
The wife is out shopping with a friend and was looking to get me some new jeans. I know you’re going to be disappointed, but it didn’t work out. The store did not have the style of the brand of jean she was considering. From old (not wearable) to those in current rotation, I have 6 pair of Classic Straight and 1 pair of Vintage Straight. She was looking at Original Straight. She backed the hell off and said I’d have to be there to try them on. Smart woman.
I haven’t blogged for a years now. Not since the 4 years of weekly posts I managed during graduate school from 2006-2010 called “The Moonlighting Student.” I put a lot of information about myself, my life, and my personal dilemmas out onto the internet. As the years went on, I felt less comfortable with it all out there so retired it. It was good to focus on writing down my thoughts into words.